Early voting is Fri 10/18/24 to Tue 10/29/24

Published on 1 October 2024 at 21:07

It's election season, and early voting at the Joseph S. Yenni Building, 1221 Elmwood Park Blvd, Suite 502, in Harahan starts Friday, October 18 and ends Tuesday, October 29, 2024. During this time period, the Yenni building will be open for early voting from 8:30 AM - 6:00 PM excluding Sundays. Get all the details here: https://www.jpclerkofcourt.us/early-voting/.


You can access the sample ballot in the State's voter portal, https://voterportal.sos.la.gov/Home/VoterLogin.


Aside from the U.S. Presidential Electors and the U. S. Representative 1st Congressional District seats, there are at least two issues on the ballot for your consideration:


State of Louisiana proposed constitutional amendment:

CA No. 1 (Act No. 408, 2024 - HB 300) - Provides relative to federal proceeds from alternative energy production

Description: Do you support an amendment to require that federal revenues received by the state generated from Outer Continental Shelf alternative or renewable energy production be deposited into the Coastal Protection and Restoration Fund? (Amends Article VII, Section 10.2(E)(1)) 


Proposed amendment to the Jefferson Parish Charter:

PW Home Rule Charter Amendment - Amends Sec. 4.03(A)(8) - PC

Description: Shall the Jefferson Parish Charter be amended to include within the unclassified service any at-will employees hired to work directly in the office of the Parish President or a Parish Council member, by adding Section 4.03(A)(8) to the Jefferson Parish Charter to read as stated in Section 1 of Jefferson Parish Ordinance No. 26767, adopted on April 17, 2024?


Always check the voter portal before heading to the polls -- there could be additional items on your ballot.


Happy voting!

Monica Brady
OJCA Treasurer