During the October 16, 2024 Jefferson Parish Council Meeting (East Bank), Councilman Deano Bonano said that he would hire a traffic consultant to work directly with OJCA to address the unaddressed traffic issues in the Ochsner-funded traffic study (specifically, the residential streets surrounding Ochsner main). Bonano said that the OJCA neighborhood is in special taxing district where a percentage of sales tax generated in the area is set aside for public infrastructure projects. He said the fund has about 3 million, and he will use the money to build whatever is needed, e.g. turning lanes, traffic lights, etc., to mitigate traffic concerns as the new Ochsner structures are built and go into business (and 1,000 more cars are traveling through Old Jefferson during rush hour).
In Jefferson Parish's 2024 budget, https://www.jeffparish.gov/DocumentCenter/View/1750/2024-Annual-Budget-PDF, there is a sentence about a TIF -- Tax Incentive Fund -- on page 33 in a section titled "Ochsner Hospital and Health System", point 5c says:
"The Parish also created a TIF (Tax Incentive Fund) District (the Jefferson Highway Economic Development District)
in dedicating certain incremental sales tax revenues to these and associated endeavors."
On page 250, there is a detailed account of the TIF, and it states:
"The Jefferson Highway Economic Development District was established by Ordinance No. 25143 in April, 2016."
and it goes on and says:
"...“Public Infrastructure Improvements “, includes a leveraging of the Expansion Project, to provide significant public
infrastructure improvements including, but not limited to, acquisition, development, improvement, and maintenance of streets, sidewalks, sewer and drainage improvements, lighting, traffic signals, landscaping, public transportation improvements, as well as other items."
If we're reading the budget correctly on page 250, the fund presently has:
Digging further, we found a April 25, 2016 nola.com article titled "Jefferson Parish to use future sales tax revenue for improvements around Ochsner campuses: Economic district to go around Ochsner".
"Jefferson Parish has created an economic development district around Ochsner Health System’s Jefferson Highway campuses and will use some of the future sales tax revenue collected there for public infrastructure and beautification projects to complement the hospital operator’s planned $360 million expansion."
OJCA's boundaries do not go all the way to Earhart Expressway, but our entire boundary is within the Jefferson Highway Economic Development District:
If you would like to go nerd out after reading JP's budget, the Bureau of Governmental Research, based in New Orleans, did an analysis of TIFs in 2008, https://www.bgr.org/report-index/look-before-you-leap-tax-increment-financing-in-jefferson-parish/
We look forward to the next steps on using these funds for the traffic study and traffic improvements -- no doubt a multi-year endeavor for OJCA.
Thanks for reading!
Monica Brady
OJCA Treasurer